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Morbid Anatomy was created as a blog by Joanna Ebenstein in 2007. Since then, it has expanded to include the Morbid Anatomy Library, lectures, exhibitions, classes, curiosity collections, spectacles, symposia, field trips, books, parties, films.

It is best known for its brief incarnation as the critically acclaimed Morbid Anatomy Museum (2013-2016), in Brooklyn, New York.

Today, Morbid Anatomy is overseen by its founder and creative director Joanna Ebenstein and programming director and head librarian Laetitia Barbier. I, Melanie Gasparoni, am the Docent Coordinator, organizing the volunteers and docents every week. I occasionally work at the library, events, or on exciting graphic design projects such as these below.

postcard set

postcard set


enamel pin

status: oscillating between machine girl and 
the stardew valley soundtrack with rain and nature sounds 

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